My Garden Birds

As a first post, I thought I would introduce myself but more importantly the birds I get in my garden. I live near the South Essex coast and so get the usual array of Sparrows, Starlings, Blackbirds etc.  I've got a Robin that sits in the tree outside and stares through the window singing which is both sweet and faintly threatening.  There have been a few unusual visitors to my feeders (in a tree out front it's not technically my garden, but I'm claiming it.) probably due to the cold snap.  I've seen Long-tailed tits, a pair of Goldcrest and even a male Blackcap - the sight of which caused me to choke on my tea as I tried to attract the attention of Mr. Essex Birder.

The Essex Birder Official Blog Dog SpanielI walk the Official Blog Dog along a part of the Thames estuary path so we get to see plenty of waders, ducks and the like.  It’s quite a varied habitat featuring managed reed beds and fresh water lakes so there is always something to see. 

I’m attempting the #200birdyear, and so far I’m up to 42, but that’s another post.

So use the comments below to introduce yourself and tell me where you do your bird watching!


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